Haemosta­sis Unit, Divi­sion of Angi­ol­o­gy and Haemosta­sis

The Haemophil­ia Cen­tre at the Uni­ver­si­ty Hos­pi­tal of Gene­va is a cer­ti­fied Euro­pean Haemophil­ia Com­pre­hen­sive Care Cen­tre (EHCCC, https://www.euhass.org/aspxpages/certcentres.aspx).

As a cen­tre of the high­est care lev­el, we pro­vide a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary and inte­grat­ed care for patients with bleed­ing disorders such as haemophil­ia A and B, von Wille­brand dis­ease and oth­er rare bleed­ing disorders, includ­ing fib­rino­gen and platelet disorders.

Our lab­o­ra­to­ry pro­vides a wide range of bio­log­i­cal tests from rou­tine to spe­cialised test­ing for con­gen­i­tal or acquired haemosta­sis disorders.

Our three main mis­sions are:

- Diag­nose and treat peo­ple with bleed­ing disorders

- Train med­ical and nurse staffs

- Pro­mote research, nation­al and inter­na­tion­al exchanges with oth­er haemophil­ia cen­tres


Rue Gabrielle-Per­ret-Gen­til 4, 1205 Gene­va

Main con­tact:

Prof. Dr. med. Pierre Fontana

Phone num­bers:

+41 (0) 22 372 97 52

(ask for the doc­tor on duty in the angi­ol­o­gy and hemo­sta­sis depart­ment, nights, week­ends and hol­i­days)


PD. Dr. med. Pierre Fontana

Dr. med. Alessan­dro Casi­ni

Isabelle Keller-Gol, Hemo­phil­ia Nurse

Yam­i­na Hab­bad, Hemo­phil­ia Nurse