Cantonal Hospital Organization (EOC) — Istituto Pediatrico della Svizzera Italiana (IPSI) – Ospedale Regionale di Bellinzona – Hemophilia Center (Paediatrics)
The Haemophilia and Bleeding Disorders Care Centre is part of the Cantonal Hospital Organization (Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale, EOC), located at the Ospedale Regionale di Bellinzona, San Giovanni, in Bellinzona.
The Center is a certified European Hemophilia Treatment Center (EHTC), and is composed by the “Paediatrics” (Head: PD Dr. med. Mattia Rizzi, nested in the Haemato-Oncology Service of the Istituto Pediatrico della Svizzera Italiana and “Adults” (Head: Dr. med. Eugenia Biguzzi, part of the Division of Haematology of the Istituto della Svizzera Italiana).
We provide comprehensive care for children and their families facing a bleeding disorder (such as hemophilia A and B, Von Willebrand disease and other) or a thromboembolic complication.
In addition to offer a multidisciplinary care with a team comprising a specially trained nurse and physician on site, we assure a specialized care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
In addition, we work closely with the adult hematology team (“Adults”) to ensure that the young adult receives optimal transition and care.
Istituto Pediatrico della Svizzera Italiana
Servizio di Ematologia-Oncologia Pediatrica
Via A. Gallino 12, CH-6501 Bellinzona
Telephone Numbers:
+41 (0) 91 811 94 81 (Outpatient Clinic)
+41 (0)91 811 92 92 (Emergency)
+41 (0) 91 811 89 77 (Secretary’s office)
Request for non-urgent consultation:
Main Contact:
PD Dr. med. Mattia Rizzi, MD, PhD
PD Dr. med. Mattia Rizzi, MD, PhD, MERc
Head of the Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Service
E mail:
Dr. med. Pierluigi Brazzola
Staff physician of the Paediatric Hematology-Oncology Service
E mail:
Mrs Pamela Balestra, Secretary
E mail:
Mrs Helen Rodrigues-Fischli, Nurse
E mail:
Mrs Mara Pongelli, Nurse
E mail:
Mrs Amanda Cesalli, Physiotherapist