“Kan­ton­al­spi­tal Graubün­den” Pae­di­atric Hematology/Oncology and Depart­ment of Inter­nal Med­i­cine (adults)


The “Kan­ton­sspi­tal Graubün­den” is the cen­tral hos­pi­tal of south-east­ern Switzer­land with a catch­ment area stretch­ing from the whole of the can­ton of “Graubün­den” to south­ern “Liecht­en­stein” and “Glarn­er­land”.
We have a pedi­atric hemo­phil­ia con­sul­ta­tion hour with­in the frame­work of pedi­atric hema­tol­ogy, where­by we work close­ly with the larg­er uni­ver­si­ty cen­tre of the Children’s Hos­pi­tal Zurich on sur­gi­cal haemophil­ia-spe­cif­ic issues and also on oth­er spe­cial issues. We offer diag­nos­tics, spe­cif­ic tests, con­sul­ta­tion, fac­tor sub­sti­tu­tion, var­i­ous instruc­tions, emer­gency treat­ment and sup­port­ive care as a small, moti­vat­ed and pro­fes­sion­al­ly qual­i­fied team.


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